Portrait sessions
This post will be a break from the usual travel theme. Most of these pictures are from outdoor adventures, but the hikes are not the main subject. We already described these hikes in previous posts about a trip to the western Shawnee and the Ozarks and a trip to some Shawnee waterfalls . Instead, Laura is the main subject! And the post isn't so much about solely celebrating nature's beauty, but rather Laura's beauty! Having learned that she is pregnant, Laura asked me to take some nice portraits of her before and during she started to show. These portrait series also compose my first serious foray into portrait photography. We both studied up beforehand: Laura learned posing tips, I focused on portrait photography. Here we will share what we considered to be the "PG13" photos that resulted from the sessions. First, we hiked about an hour to a waterfall in the western Shawnee forest. We had the place to ourselves...